Well we’re back after a hiatus I didn’t realise we were having!
I missed the first few minutes of this tho so gonna have to do a catch up!
Well for some reason there weren’t much in the way of ad breaks, so I catch up to the beginning of the episode with about ten minutes left! And because I needed to concentrate having missed the beginning instigating part of the plot, I’m not doing my rewatch mostly in retrospect rather than during my watch –
But the plot is fairly simple, Burnham is asked to unofficially go after Booker whilst preparing to make first contact with 10-C. There’s only a brief, but cute, B-story of Staments and Culbert discussing anxiety and stress.
I like how they got Booker and Burnham to bump into each other fairly early on after her arrival. Both trying to gain the isolynium needed for the weapon from a broker called Mazaro. He offers it to Booker in exchange for capturing a cheating ring, and to Burnham for a high price. Burnham and Owosekun win latinum after she eventually wins a ring match.
There’s a nice section where Booker and Burnham can’t but help themselves help each other, with Booker joining in to help defend Burnham from the man Owosekun defeated (not that she really needed it) and her in return helping him catch a Changeling responsible for the cheating. Seeing a Changeling was not something I expected – it was interesting to see the effect of them shapeshift when I am so used to the, as dated as it is, distinct SFX of DS9‘s shapeshifting effect.

Mazaro was also a really nice character – especially as he didn’t end up being antagonistic to either of the protagonists but one of those interesting middle characters. Burnham and Booker’s inability to not help each other continues as they surreptitiously (except apart from Mazaro – who seemed to enjoy it) worked together to eliminate the Emerald Chain players in the game of poker now being played, with the isolynium as the prize. I do love a great poker scene (probably coz of my watching if Hustle last year) and I really want to learn the game. That being said, I am a bit confused as to the stakes – if no one gets their latinum back, what is the motivation to fold? Maybe I am missing something.

Burnham eventually loses and tells Booker his choice may ruin their relationship. He takes the isolynium anyway – and at first I thought it a bit odd Burnahm would give up so easily, something Rillik also calls her out for – until Burnham reveals she did an Empire and placed a tracker on the isolynium. They now have Booker and Tarka’s exact location and plan to mobilise, while Staments reveals that they have discovered that 10-C have an artificial object that hides what is assumed to be their home, but to maintain it they need boronite to power it, which is what the DMA does. Speculating that the existence of such a powerful mining tool could only mean 10-C has much more powerful weapons, Starfleet brace themselves as the higher stakes set in.
I do wonder who 10-C will be revealed to be – this does seem like a reveal that would be more impactful if it was a species we had seen before but not one we had seen in a while. I would possibly suggest Changelings if not for the appearance in this very episode. Iconians, perhaps? If it’s a brand new species, it’s not so much a reveal as a development and that could be fine, but I don’t think it will land as wel.
Will just have to wait and see!
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