ooooooh look new website! And I’ve not even settled in and I’m writing a blog about an episode I am watching live for the first time with zero prep because I was watching Hawkeye literally minute before then did a live reaction video that was so quick I maybe should not have bothered until after Discovery!
Hi I’m Haaris and the Qowat Milat murder Starfleet staff stealing dilithium they were giving away. It’s a mysterious action with no clear motive so Burnham and her mother are tasked with investigating and capturing the murderer.
Staments has a new theory around DMA (dark matter anomaly), but is missing one of the five evidences to prove it. Booker insists on going with Staments when he presents his findings at the science institute, despite Staments explaining he will need to explain Book’s loss in a clinical manner to properly bring everyone up to speed.
Gray has his new android body 3D printed – and a holographic call from Trill is made to carry out the procedure to transfer the Trill symbiote into the new body and bring Gray back to life.
Tilly wants to force herself outside her comfort zone, and so comes along as Burnham’s sole tactical support. Dr. Burnham insists they use swords and not phases as is the Qowat Milat way. As they land, the hostile nuns beam in (no shields?) and a fight breaks out. All the introducers are killed, but the other friendly nun is killed. J’Vini, the leader, arrives, and warns them.
Arriving in the crater, the three discover alien eggs … very strong Alien vibes here. And from one strong references to another, they discover it is no moon, but a ship, as the anti-matter engine is powered up.
Okay caught up phew …
Culbert counsels Tal as they deal with the uncertainty if Gray will wake up. I do love how gentle Culbert is. Should a great representation of support.
Tilly talks to herself in her new role as bait. J’Vini and Dr. Burnham fight but J’Vini gets the better of her and holds her blade to her knife. She explains she is guarding the cryogenically frozen race. Burnham offers to help wake them.
Book chooses to relive his trauma to allow the scientists find proof of tachyons hitting his planet. Whilst doing so, he also asks to see the last moment of seeing his nephew, giving him some closure. But the tachyons were not present.
After saving the species, J’Vini is arrested, but is handed over to Ni’var to assist with the political relationship. Burnham is dissatisfied, but Vance uses orchestral analogy to reassure her.
Gray wakes up in his new body and everyone gets hugs!

Book lies down watching a holographic ceiling of his home forest, which Burnham expositions was too painful for him before. He explains he realises once his grief fades, he needs to have memories to hold on to. Enjoying the peaceful moment while it lasts.
I definitely found this episode’s exploration of dealing with anxiety, grief and loss of purpose really therapeutic, and I really like Discovery most when it uses the sci-fi setting to tell these really intimate emotive messages.
People really don’t know what they’re missing when you actually look at subtext.
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